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2008-09-26 [DeeJay™]: new top 10! w00t!
go look! >> EPI's Top 10: Songs To Lose Your Street Cred

2008-09-27 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: dang. sorry to hear about your weekend. mine wasnt all that good either. it totally sucked. i didnt do anything or go anywhere...i did absolutely nothing at all...boring.. T.T (hot n' sexi)

2008-09-27 [887%TRU3]: Yo!!

2008-09-27 [Ricochet]: i got raped on my weekend :(

2008-09-27 [DeeJay™]: <img:mood1-gif.gif>
sure ya did..

2008-09-27 [Ricochet]: whys that so hard to believe? theres a lot of rapists out there going for teenage boys

2008-09-27 [DeeJay™]: well, two reasons.
you never said who you got 'raped' by. it could have been a woman. in that case, wouldnt you have to be, uhh.. willing? in my opinion, you couldnt get raped by a woman.
secondly, if you had, why would you wanna tell everybody? wouldnt you perhaps turn to your close friends for help/support, instead of writing it on a random wiki?

2008-09-27 [Orestez]: Guys... lets refrain from such topics on this particular wiki eh?

2008-09-27 [DeeJay™]: sorry x]
i just get a little offended when such claims are made, and appear to be bogus ¬¬

2008-09-27 [Orestez]: <img:Br23-gif.gif> indeed...

2008-09-27 [DeeJay™]: you got a favourite on the new Top 10, [Orestez]? ^^

2008-09-27 [Ricochet]: gotta be lousiana woman mississipi man tbh it makes me wanna play gta again ;D

2008-09-27 [DeeJay™]: or download the soundtrack :p
loads of good songs on k-rose! xD

2008-09-28 [hot n' sexi]: oh foot ball people sux because they try to try the best but they dont and that is only some the others do all the work and get put in at the last sec. o and my team lost

2008-09-28 [Ricochet]: did u cheer cuz they lost :D

2008-09-28 [hot n' sexi]: no

2008-09-28 [Ricochet]: well u should have :( (yeah leave me alone im drunk on wkd)

2008-09-28 [hot n' sexi]: no i just wanted to run in to the feald and beat every one up on the other team

2008-09-28 [Ricochet]: sounds like fun ;)

2008-09-28 [hot n' sexi]: ya it would be

2008-09-29 [DeeJay™]: i hope you were using a bottle bong for that WKD, [Ricochet].. x]

2008-09-29 [Ricochet]: nope im not that cool lol. =) i just bought it from sainsburys down the road and drank it straight away ;D

2008-09-29 [DeeJay™]: haha, you should try it. makes you burp alot afterwards, but it really gets you drunk! x]

2008-09-30 [hot n' sexi]: dont lissen to them

2008-09-30 [DeeJay™]: to who? o:

2008-09-30 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: hi guys...wats going on now?

2008-09-30 [Ricochet]: some ppl are trying to sleep

2008-09-30 [Goochi]: BLAH!!!

2008-10-01 [ChRiS JaCkS]: every one i am living for the army in dec <img:mood3-gif.gif>

2008-10-01 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: well chris i wish you lots of luck. and be safe. god bless you and all of the other soldiers. where are you leaving to?

2008-10-01 [Ricochet]: iraq

2008-10-01 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: oh. i didnt know if it was iraq, iran, or somewhere else. well i wish you lots of luck.

2008-10-01 [Goochi]: Iraq? aw, you excited?

2008-10-01 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: i wouldnt be. id be scared to death. but im sure hes braver than me. lol

2008-10-01 [Goochi]: lol. I would be scared spitless! I wouldn't want to do it. But thats just me. I have a friend who is in Iraq already.

2008-10-02 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: i have an uncle whos in the army and is a captain and was sent there. for about 6 months. hes safe though...thank god.

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: Ya I would say thank God also. I do worry though, I can't help that.

2008-10-02 [hot n' sexi]: omg ugly people make me read books i dont like and i failed english so i have to get 40 points by the end of the ugly skool year

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: blah blah blah...gah, im bored!!!

2008-10-02 [hot n' sexi]: talk about it nobody ever talks about anything intrusting

2008-10-02 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *Interesting.

2008-10-02 [hot n' sexi]: so wat i spelled a word wrong im not in skool right now

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: wooooooooooooooooooooow

2008-10-02 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: i hate people who correct peoples words. were on the computer. we use slang. geez! gah!

2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: i like it, actually
just 'cause you're not in 'skool', doesnt mean you have to type like a retard x]
also, 'intrusting' is closer to 'entrusting', which is a completely different word to what was intended ('interesting', im sure). if it's that bad, you should try to keep the 'slang' to a minimum <_<

2008-10-02 [Eyes of the Reaper]: You're on a web-zine. It's not as bad as being on the college, but you should still type semi-decently at the very least.

Thank you, [DeeJay™]. :)

2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: grammar, dahling. grammar! xD
"not as bad as being on the college"?

2008-10-02 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *shrug* I'm not a grammar buff. I'm more into spelling. However I am working on improving my grammar, so if you wouldn't mind telling me what I did wrong? ^-^ I would much appreciate it!

The Elfpack College. When someone types horridly on there, I twitch and correct them on every misspelled word.

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: SMILE!!!! <(^^)>

2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: lol, i still dont understand what you said x]
"it's (what does the 'it' stand for? o: ) not as bad as being on the (on top of the? lol) college"
i just didnt understand what you were trying to say x]

2008-10-02 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: w/e

2008-10-02 [Ricochet]: I think what he meant to say was "It's not as bad as being in college"

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: how i define school/college.......DRAMA!!!!

2008-10-02 [Ricochet]: i define school/college as "a centre of learning mainly aimed at educating young people in the local area"

2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: teehee, very funny
it's more of a social thing, though.

2008-10-02 [Goochi]: Maybe I just get dumped with drama at school/college!

2008-10-03 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: college is just like the first semester all they do is go over what you've already learned in highschool.

2008-10-03 [Goochi]: Is that a bad thing? I don't think so, it'll just give you a review on what you learned...thats the easy part!!! ^^

2008-10-03 [Orestez]: pardon my absence, I'm in the process of moving all my shit... I hate moving...

2008-10-03 [Kaos101]: Aye. Especially if you don't have a very large vehicle or mechanism to move it.

2008-10-03 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: true...that would be very hard to do.

2008-10-04 [Goochi]: Awe, I'm sorry, that must be really hard. But how goes with moving?

2008-10-04 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: good i hope. ^^

2008-10-04 [Goochi]: ^^ I am so glad its the weekend, although its not turning out well...

2008-10-04 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: wats wrong with your weekend?

2008-10-04 [Goochi]: GAH! Its just not working out the way I was planning on it being. I know my friend is visiting in a couple days....and just trying to get ready like cleaning and everything else...its not turning out well!

2008-10-04 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: well my best advice would be for you to make it a game...kinda like making it fun so it wont take so long or be so hard...

2008-10-04 [Goochi]: True...thanks!!! ^^

2008-10-05 [hot n' sexi]: hi

2008-10-05 [stevo865]: hi

2008-10-05 [hot n' sexi]: how r u stevo?

2008-10-06 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: hi stevo. how are you? hi hot n'sexi. wats up?

2008-10-06 [hot n' sexi]: nm u?

2008-10-06 [stevo865]: hi

2008-10-06 [Goochi]: I see we are meeting new people so I must say hello! ^^

2008-10-06 [Ricochet]: hai

2008-10-06 [Hedda]: Yes? You speak Japanese? <img:quesN-gif.gif>

2008-10-06 [Kaos101]: ...I wish I spoke japanese. Then I could go to Japan and play all those crazy video games they don't send to America.

2008-10-06 [Ricochet]: noone on this wiki speaks japanese according to their profile lol who r u talking about

2008-10-06 [Hedda]: "hai" is Japanese for "yes".

2008-10-06 [Ricochet]: cool i speak japanese :D HAI

2008-10-06 [Goochi]: Yo habla un poco espanol...^^

2008-10-06 [Ricochet]: OLE OLE

2008-10-07 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: angel denise said she only speaks a little spanish...right? lol i know a few japanese words. umami: delicious... ni-san: brother...onne-chan: sister...baka: idiot...chi-chi: thanks and some others i cant think of.

2008-10-07 [Ricochet]: how does anyone know japanese lol its one of the randomest languages to learn ever ;p

2008-10-07 [Orestez]: Я должен шлепнуть вас рикошет

2008-10-07 [Goochi]: No se!!! jajaja! ^^ si sanjisgirl4-eva (i said that!) Mi compreonos es en Octubre once....^^ (i hope i spelled that right)

2008-10-08 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: dont you mean: Mi cumpleanos es en Octubre once...i think thats right.

2008-10-08 [Goochi]: si si si si!!! Gracias chica!!! I am a lil rusty on my spanish!

2008-10-08 [Ricochet]: bonjour, je suis la merde

2008-10-08 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Salve atque ave, amici! Quid agit tu?

2008-10-08 [Kaos101]: No comprende

2008-10-08 [Goochi]: WHOA! lol. I agree with comprende chicos.

2008-10-08 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Latin. "Hello and hail, friends! How are you?"

2008-10-09 [Kaos101]: zier gut, Miene freunde.

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Optime! ^-^

2008-10-09 [hot n' sexi]: wow so much drama omg there is a smelly girl in my class and one of the shortist boys in my class likes her i was like no one likes amy not even her sis

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: wow um that sounds like trash talk to me. do you think that if feels good to have people talk about you behind your back? I don't think so. Sooooooo I don't want to hear about it! Thanks ^^

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I second [Goochi]'s notion!

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: thank you [Eyes of the Reaper]!!!! ^^

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ Welcome!

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: ^^

I know how it feels to be made fun of, how people talked behind your back. It doesn't feel good. It hurts. Try to put yourself in their shoes [hot n' sexi], would you want to be made fun of if you smelled? I don't think so. So please, think before you act!

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I've been in that exact boat. Both of my parents smoke, and did even when they were still married, so I stunk to high-heaven all the time. It wasn't my fault...and yet I was picked on for it.

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: Ya it does not feel good. I always try to defend the person being picked on. But its kinda hard sticking up for yourself when your the one being picked on. Its a vicious world out there. And people need to realize that words hurt.

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Cuts heal--internal wounds of the mind never do. Words scar deeper than any projectile or blade...

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: I totally agree. Theres that saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". That is a lie. Words do hurt! See I was 21 when i graduated highschool. I was homeschooled for 2 years of highschool. Went back my junior year and the school wouldnt except any of my homeschooled credits. So I just graduated. And I was picked on and made fun of.

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Oh my god! That's not cool at all! Shame on them for not understanding! *hugs*

2008-10-09 [Goochi]: Aw thanks! I am so glad that you understand! My friends understood, but there was some friends that I am now not friends with would tell others about me, basically not telling them the whole truth. *huggles back* ^^

2008-10-09 [Eyes of the Reaper]: That sucks. I understand that too... *shakes head* Drama, drama, drama...

2008-10-09 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: too much drama.....

2008-10-10 [Goochi]: I say there is!!! Anyways, on a lighter is everyone?!?!

2008-10-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: im good as bout you?

2008-10-10 [Kaos101]: busy. Always busy. But being the worker bee that I am, I can't say I'm dreading it all that much.

2008-10-10 [Goochi]: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell I am doing great! This weekend is soooo much better than last weekend!!!! Um except the fact that tomorrow (saturday oct. 11th) is my bday. But Awe so your busy with work? At least your doing something ^^ lol. I spend my days bored, doing nothing. ^^

2008-10-10 [Kaos101]: well in case I am not on tomorrow, a happy birthday to you in advance. And yeah, I'm busy with work, but I'm not complaining(much :B). Good for the heart, I always say!

2008-10-10 [hot n' sexi]: well have a nice week end

2008-10-10 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: happy birthday angel! how is it going so far?

2008-10-10 [DeeJay™]: i think [Goochi] is in america. aaand.. probably in michigan, which i believe is 6 hours behind me in the UK (could be 8, im not sure). so you're 6/8 hours early, [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)] xD

2008-10-11 [Goochi]: Awe thanks guys!!!! ^^ I feel old lol. But ya I am 5 hours behind you DJ_Devil!!! But its going great!!! I have a couple friends from my panama trip here!!! SO ITS AN AWESOME WEEKEND!!!! ^^ but my ear is numb and I dont know why.

2008-10-11 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: probably cuz of too much noise....or something like

2008-10-12 [hot n' sexi]: i love u all

2008-10-12 [Ricochet]: liar

2008-10-13 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: *blushes* hi ricochet!

2008-10-13 [Ricochet]: hi thar ;D

2008-10-13 [Goochi]: blah blah blah, im so bored. lol. whats new with everyone?

2008-10-13 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: did u miss me ricochet? wat cha been up to?

2008-10-13 [Ricochet]: yeah i missed u ;D x not been up to much just been bored all day =P. what u been doin?

2008-10-14 [Goochi]: GAH! I have a problem!

2008-10-14 [Ricochet]: what

2008-10-14 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: nothing....just thinking bout u....//^.^// and missing u 2. whats your problem angel?

2008-10-14 [Goochi]: It's complicated.

2008-10-15 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: oh....message me and ill help ya with whatever ya need ok? im a good listener and my friends say i give great advice. ^^

2008-10-15 [hot n' sexi]: bizath

2008-10-15 [Goochi]: bizath? what is that? never heard of that word before.

2008-10-15 [hot n' sexi]: i dk i was bord i spelled it wrong any way so ya

2008-10-15 [hot n' sexi]: o its like bicth

2008-10-15 [stevo865]: wow keana u r on some crack tonight

2008-10-15 [hot n' sexi]: no ur on crack how do we no weare not all on some crack omg wat is up with crack any ways it doesnt help any one

2008-10-15 [Bookwyrm]: -stares at the explosion of chatspeak-...-shudders-...-goes to hide in house-

2008-10-15 [Goochi]: hmmm interesting conversation guys. lets get this conversation turned around. how is everyone?

2008-10-15 [DeeJay™]: GASP! xD
im good thanks, bekah. how're you? :]

2008-10-15 [Goochi]: I am doing ok. I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while! How have you been?

2008-10-15 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: uh......................ok...

2008-10-17 [hot n' sexi]: hi

2008-10-17 [Goochi]: yo yo yo, what up doe? lol.

2008-10-18 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: hi. nm wat up wit u?

2008-10-18 [Goochi]: ahhhhhhhh nothin lol. just got my hair cut and dying it right now.

2008-10-18 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: awesome! wat color?

2008-10-18 [Goochi]: black!

2008-10-18 [DeeJay™]: is it 'cause i is white..? O_o

2008-10-19 [Goochi]: lol. nah, i just wanted to dye it black because I always wanted to! yeppers!

2008-10-19 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: awesome! i want to do that too. but instead i think ill just get red tips in my hair. or red bangs...wouldnt that look awesome?

2008-10-19 [Goochi]: if you all are interested in what i look like with black hair, go to New Hair on my page!

2008-10-19 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: kk girl!

2008-10-19 [DeeJay™]: type '@wiki' after the wiki name, and put it in square brackets (the [ and ] ones), so it's a link :D
it should look like this --> new hair

2008-10-19 [hot n' sexi]: im bord

2008-10-19 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: and why are you bored hot n' sexi?

2008-10-19 [hot n' sexi]: cuz there is nota to do

2008-10-19 [DeeJay™]: how about you go watch some music videos? :D
clicky --> EPI's Top 10: Songs To Lose Your Street Cred

2008-10-19 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: yeah that sounds like loads of fun.

2008-10-19 [DeeJay™]: compared to what you're doing now, Vs. your conversational skills? i'd take my chances on that wiki <_<

2008-10-19 [Goochi]: lol. wow, this conversation is great! i admit, im ammused - i dunno if i spelled that right. lol. but ya, guess what, im writing my own book!!! ^_^

2008-10-19 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: congrats girl!

2008-10-20 [Goochi]: Thanks! I'm just trying to not get frustrated at it! lol.

2008-10-20 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: lol well we all dont want that .haha

2008-10-21 [Goochi]: lol. ya.

2008-10-21 [Goochi]: huh, interesting...

2008-10-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Thanks for sharing?

2008-10-21 [Goochi]: Right? ummmmmmmmmmm anyways, so how is everyone doing?

2008-10-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I'm stressing out due to writer's block. I have a five and a half page essay due on Friday (rough draft due in 8 hours)--and I've got nothin'. x.x

2008-10-21 [Goochi]: ooo nooo. that sucks. well i do hope that everything works out alright!

2008-10-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Yes, it does because teachers don't care about you--they care about their damn class and their class alone. So what if you're having anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns due to stress? Not their problem! But--oooh--you didn't do your homework for said class? Guess what! You fail. -.-

2008-10-21 [Goochi]: hmmm, thats not good

2008-10-21 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: great...except im gotta suck horribly...wats ur essay gotta be about?

2008-10-21 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I'm sorry, [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]. I hope you feel better soon. :) And my essay has to be over Cormac McCarthy's writing style, the themes of his novel The Road, two critical articles about the novel, and national/global social/economic/political happenings of around 2000-2005. I have to tie all of that together...somehow...

2008-10-21 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: wow....thats too much for my brain to process....and thanks..i do too! :)

2008-10-22 [hot n' sexi]: f*** music vidios if im bord them that means i dont no what to do so im pritty sure that i wouldnt think of any songs to lissen to

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: >_>
sorry for trying to help.. lol

2008-10-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *hugs [DeeJay™]* ^-^ It was nice of you to try to help her.

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: *smiles, hugging you back* i thought it was, too.
perhaps a more constructive way to help would be to point towards the english department in the EP college, huh? x]

2008-10-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: *smirk* She is quite welcome! [Stephen] would have a hay day! ^-^

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: if i knew who [Stephen] was, i'd probably agree :3
english department, EP college?

2008-10-22 [Eyes of the Reaper]: [Stephen] is/was the head of that department and he is an English-language Nazi. XD

Sadly there is no English Department. The closest is English Literature and a Language Department. v.v

2008-10-22 [Kaos101]: Unfortunately, [Stephen] seems to have lost interest in Elfpack, or his life outside is taking up too much of his time. The english professor is on sick leave, so to speak.

2008-10-22 [Goochi]: RANDOM!!! I'm watching "My fair lady" hehe

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: booo :(
wait.. is the college thing even open anymore? (i.e. been updated in the last couple of months?)

2008-10-22 [Goochi]: wait? what? college? lol.

2008-10-22 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: lol you guys are talking about college? try going there. its rough. T.T oh...and *hugs DJ_Devil* :3

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: *grins, happily hugging you back* i love hugs xD
but, to what do i owe this pleasure? :3

2008-10-22 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: its just me being nice as always...i can give u a kiss if u want....//^_^//

2008-10-22 [DeeJay™]: haha, easy tiger. i dont think these people wanna see us smooch x]

2008-10-22 [hinata hyuuga (kimiko)]: lol well send me a message and we'll smooch from there! lol

2008-10-23 [Goochi]: and I have to miss out on the smooches? lol. i feel left out, lol.

2008-10-23 [DeeJay™]: aha
bekah, you know you're welcome to smoochies whenever you want ;3
but really, not on the wiki.. xD

2008-10-23 [Eyes of the Reaper]: p.q *wants hugs toooo!* ... *sniffle*

2008-10-23 [DeeJay™]: oh god, we've started a trend.. lol
*bounds over to alex (mind if i call you that?), hugging her tightly*'s that? :]

2008-10-23 [Eyes of the Reaper]: ^-^ It works! *hugs back just as tightly* And yes, Alex is fine. *nod nod*

2008-10-23 [Goochi]: Ok I feel a lot of love in this wiki. . .lol. how about we change the subject, no?

2008-10-23 [Kaos101]: Perhaps I'll make a chat page for all of you...smooch on.

2008-10-23 [Ricochet]: can u feel the love tonight??????????

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